Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Deadpool T-Shirt

So. Long story short, I made a Deadpool t-shirt.

    Short story long... XD 
So when I first heard that Guardians of the Galaxy was coming out, *wootwoot* I thought it looked reaaaaaally cheesy. However, one of my geek friends started raving about it, and piqued my interest in it. So I researched it. And watched all available trailers. And then the UK trailer, too. Yeah. XD 
Anyhoo. I decided that I was dumb for pre-judging it, and then proceeded to try talking my sister into watching it with me. After I force-fed her a trailer or two, she and I decided that no matter what, we were going to attend our local theater's midnight premiere. We then decided that MARVEL shirts were essential for our outing, but neither of us had good shirts for it... (The only MARVEL shirt I ever bought turned threadbare with its first washing. Yayyyy for "girl's" geek shirts being durable and cool just like the guy's ones. >_<) We went shopping, but while she was able to find two incredibly awesome shirts, I didn't find anything A: in my size or B: within my very very narrow/specific standards (snobbery FTW). Instead of buying a pre-made shirt, I bought fabric paints and an inexpensive tshirt at a consignment shop, and, well...

(I know Deadpool has nothing to do with Guardians of the Galaxy, but the little nut is part of MARVEL Universe, okay. :P) The stencil was really easy to make... Just basic geometric shapes for the most part, which was nice. XD 
Anyways, like I said, it was a long story, lol. 

-Until next time!
*hands out chimichangas for everybody* 

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