Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I might just be human

Sometimes I feel guilty
when I'm not alarmed 
at what the republicans did
or the democrats 
or basically any politicians doing any sorts of things no matter where or why

Sometimes I feel freakish
and rather ungirly or nice
when I try to paint my nails
and find that it's painful and gross and I just don't like it no matter how hard I try

Sometimes I feel dumb
when a person asks me 
to solve a simple equation
or to think logically
I do not understand concrete or scientific things they just make my brain cry

Sometimes I feel rude
when I do not feel the need to 
chit chat without topic
or gossip about other people
I find that boring, at best, or at worst simply hateful I like deep talk and I cannot lie

Sometimes I feel alien
especially in football season,
4-H works wonders, though, too
I'm a city girl in a tiny town
I tried understanding but I can't understand; can't wait till the day I fly

Sometimes I feel a lot of things
sometimes they're quite unpleasant 
I feel out of place
passive, nonchalant, aloof and unkind... I might till the day I die

But maybe that's just being human
liking and learning dislike
having opinions or
not caring at all 
might not be wrong or right
I might just be human. Who knows. 

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