They /could/ be nice...
I've always been fond of fire and ice
But flowers are not what woo me
I don't need dinner out
I'm a rather messy eater
And pearls and gowns aren't
My thing, no doubt
about it
I'd be uncomfortable in a five-star
I don't need you to write me sonnets
It's a darling thought
but I'd be self conscious
And I'd rather write them for you
If you would like that
Sort of thing
I don't need you to change
Your clothes or your face
I won't make you wear a tuxedo
But it wouldn't be strange
At all if you wanted to dress up a little
Especially if you dressed hipster
I don't need to go out dancing
But an impromptu jam
In the kitchen, just you and me
--Or a mosh pit-- I'm thinking
That could be lovely
I don't need to be romanced
In the typical sense of the word
But I've got a list, a long one
Of things that would be nice
If you and I gave it a chance
So here goes:
I should like very much
If you'd take me to movies
Sci-fi, and fantasy epics, particularly
And I'd like it even better if you'd discuss
Them with me as an equal
I don't fancy pretentious fine dinners,
But pizza is always okay
Especially when paired with ice cream
It's a winner
In fact, it's my food OTP
I should mention; I've always dreamed
Of working on cosplays
Some of the coolest ones might seem
Difficult, but combine our skills
And we're beast
And, I know that this sounds lame
But I really want
To learn to play video games
I need someone to teach me, though,
And it helps if you've already got
The console know?
You need to have good taste in music
Or at least, be willing to sing
Even if you stink
as far as voices go
I'll think it's the cutest thing
I swear
And last but perhaps most important,
You'll have to be stronger than me
In your love for God
In decision-making skills
I'd need you to be brave when I can't...
Need you to be what I aspire to be
So yeah, there's my wish list
My top must have needs
Wishful thinking and high hopes included
There may be a few things that I've missed
But you could fill in those blanks
With your other quirks and strengths
And, you know, to be honest,
Not all of that list
Is written in stone
I mean, to be truthful, I'm fondest
Of people who're kind
And transparent... who have flaws
Yet strive to improve
And who love me in spite of mine.