Saturday, November 29, 2014

Too Weird?

I've always been okay
with odd looks
for being a tad bit mad
in a proper, concise little world

I've always prided myself 
on being weird
on being circles and swirls
in a very squared-up community

And I've never bothered
to care much
when I have to stand alone
a random singularity in a crowd

But I'm starting to wonder
I'm starting to worry
I'm starting to question the quo...
when I'm around you... I feel I need to know

Is it weird to say
"I miss you," "I like you," or the like
Is it considered too insane, 
too opposite of shy?

I've never cared what 
people thought
but I surely care 'bout you
So, I'll beg the question only once:

"Do you miss me too?"

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